Contributing to Flex

This guide is for people who would like to be involved in building Flex.

Flex welcomes contributions from everyone. Any kind of contribution is helpful: writing a unit test, documentation, fixing bugs, advicing on work-in-progress, developing a new feature, implementing the algorithm of Sketch in another language, and so on. It is also good to refer to the Waffle to find open issues.

Submitting a pull request

This project follows a standard fork and pull model for contributions via GitHub pull requests.

  • Pull requests should be submitted from a separate feature branch starting from the develop branch (e.g. using git checkout -b "feature/username/fix-123"). Especially, note that the master branch of this repository contains the latest stable release of Flex. For more detail, see git-flow cheatsheet.
  • Commit messages should general use the present tense, normal sentence capitalization, and no final punctuation.
  • The commit message should be written like a mini changelog. The commit message should have the following prefix: * when the code or functionality changes. + when new code or functionality is added. - when redundant or unnecessary code or functionality is removed.
  • It is recommended that the first line of the commit message should not exceed 72 characters.
  • The updated code must be checked its code style using scalafmt.

Creating a third party project as a standalone library

If you have created a new project using Flex, simply reporting the use case to the maintainer will help the project.


The current maintainers (people who can merge pull requests) are:

If you need some help, please feel free to contact maintainers via email or twitter.